Monday, April 13, 2009

Storm Trooper is shooting at us!!

Storm Trooper is shooting at us!!
Originally uploaded by bono_jesusfreak1(unemployed now)

The Storm Trooper was shooting at me with his guns! Eeek!!

Wtf? I got banned from my bf's/mom house!!

This is my first ever post on Blogspot..Ialso use Myspace because I have a ton of friends on there but this is a new venture for me. You never know what I will blog about!
Several days ago, John told me that his mom banned me from coming over to her house during the week!! John and his mom live in the same house and he never has any visitors but me. She complained about "all of his visitors"-literally the only person that ever comes over is me! She also complained she never could have any privacy in her own house. I do go over every day, but I show up at 7 pm and am gone by 930 pm cuz John goes to work at 10 pm. I was so shocked. I haven't done anything. I've taken soda over to her house(which she drinks..),I've brought food over,cookies,candy,movies and such. I can't believe she banned me. I thought she liked me!! Grrr..I don't know what I have done that could have possibly upset her. I asked John what I did and he said "Nothing that I know of." It's probably just his mom being a bitch I am guessing. I've been going over to that house for 3+ years and she's never complained. She always used to tell John that she liked me coming over or wanted only me to come over and none of his other friends. I was so pissed when John told me this!! It's really hard to blog about it cuz it still makes me really angry. I swear his mom is bipolar and almost 100% evil. I've always been *really* nice to her so I don't know what her problem is. We've never got into any arguements or anything. Grrr..Forgive my rambling. I am right to be angry about this? I think so!!!
No ones ever banned me from their house before. John wants me to marry him but I can't believe that this woman would be my mother in law. I can't really see us having a decent relationship anymore. I just hate her right now.